NTU School of Computer Science & Engineering

SCE Dance Troupe Recruitment

by admin / September 28, 2012


Hi SCEians!


This is a shout out to all the students who wish to groove and shake a leg. We are recruiting for SCE’s first ever dance troupe! You don’t have to be a professional to be a part of the team. You don’t even need to know much dance! All you need to have, is the willingness to have fun!


Now is your chance to stay fit, dance your heart out and be active part of SCE!


We expect to see you tonight at our last audition!


Date: 28/9/2012 Friday
Time: 5pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: TR21

Best regards,
Computer Engineering Club
13th Management Committee

NTU School of Computer Science and Engineering Club

NTU SCSE Club is an academic club in Nanyang Technological University. It serves the the SCSE students and allow them to have a safe space to experienceshare, and grow.




Email: scse-it@e.ntu.edu.sg

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